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The Sun

In Astrology, the Sun represents you. If we were talking about a maze, its the prize located at the centre. Its who we feel we are at our core, the place of the sun at the time of our birth describes the attributes of the essence of us.



The Moon

The moon, in astrology, represents our emotional selves. It describes the environment in which we feel most nurtured and emotioanlly secure. If the moon is in a water sign, for example, comfort comes from acknowledging ones feelings and building heartfelt connection. If the moon is in an earth sign, a sense of nurturing comes from having ones practical needs met. Understanding our moon sign allows us to know what we need to feel soothed.


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Communication, the way we express our thoughts and the way we think. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and in Astrology it is also always located close by. Mercury and it's placement represent our mind and the way we articulate ourselves.


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Perhaps one of the celebrities of the Astrological planets, Venus is well-known as the planet of love. And it's true, it does represent all things beautiful in our natal Birth Chart, but we can take that one step further: Venus and it's placement represent our relationship self. That is certainly in love, but it also describes how we are in all our relationships. Even in how we relate to ourselves. 




In ancient Greek mythology Mars was The Warrior. And psychologically, we do all have a warrior self (some may be more pronounced than others), however we're not talking about war, we're talking about action, vitality; movement forward. Mars and it's placement in your chart describes the way you assert action, big and small.




The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter and it's placement represent the student / teacher aspect within us. It describes the way we grow and expand from learning to utilizing that information, it also represents our teachers. Individuals with a predominant Jupiter placement in their natal Birth Chart often become teachers of some sort in adult life.




Saturn and it's placement represent the role of authority and structure within us. As young children Saturn's placement describes the foundations that are put in place, and as adults it describes our relationship to authority and where this fits within our psyche.




Unexpected, zany, the eccentric genius; Uranus represents the ingenious part of us that thinks outside the box. Its placement in our natal Birth Chart describes how we invent our lives and in what areas we can utilize our own personal Einstein.




In Astrology, Neptune represents our sensitivity. It's placement in our natal Birth Chart describes how and in what parts of our lives we can utilize our true powers of perception; our situational senses. It also describes our depth of creativity.




Pluto is about power. It's placement describes how and in what way we pull on our personal power, it also describes our relationship to power. Its placement in our natal Birth Chart charges that area of lives with force and drive. Pluto is our inner power-player.